How winter can affect students

As we approach the end of the year, even though we don’t experience a severe winter as in the North of India, we do experience shorter days with the sun setting sooner than before. The winter brings with it its own set of challenges. Dry air, short days, dark dawn and the like which gives most students the classic winter excuse to sleep in.

The threat of winter viruses spikes, and it’s not uncommon for children to contact them, or experience allergies, hay fever or even a full-blown flu. The term “under the weather” probably had everything to do with this weather. The dry air doesn’t make it any better either. Classrooms are a cesspool for such virus and infections and when flu season strikes, it’s typical that students catch the bug very easily. It’s a good idea to fortify children with vitamin-rich food or supplements that will help fight any potential infections and get through the season healthy.

With the sun rising later and setting earlier than normal, and the tendency to curl up and sleep in, exposure to fresh daylight is limited. Ensure that children get their time in the sun. This is essential for vitamin D, as well as to maintain a balanced peace of mind.

The cold weather also doesn’t make a very good case for being out in the open. Children may have a tendency to stay indoors and avoid their usual routines of playing sport or games. Encourage them to go out anyway or supplement it with other activities that will ensure they get exercise. Exercise of some kind is a good stress-buster and helps a steady release of cortisol which fights stress and encourages endorphins.

There are many reasons – ranging from the temptation to merely sleep in, to weather-induced illness, to a lack of energy – as to why the cold weather may encourage children to skip school. We recommend you gear up for the season and encourage your children to stay regular and make up for missed activities in other ways!


  1. Manju Panthaki on December 16, 2018 at 11:18 am

    A nice warm porridge fortified with strawberries or any fruit of their choice is a good breakfast to start the day with.
    Thank you for the tips

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